Checking out some archaeology sites on the web, I came across this interesting article posted on November 1, 2008 on viewzone.com.
Seems like a shard was found by a teenage volunteer on a dig about 12 miles south-west of Jerusalem. On that shard were symbols of an ancient alphabet that is referred to as either proto-Canaanite or First Tongue.
Hebrew University researchers said the shard was written about 3,000 years ago - or about 1,000 years before the Dead Sea Scrolls. Thus, that just about corresponds to the era of the First Temple, ruled by the biblical figures of David; Solomon and used by the Queen of Sheba (who was supposed to have been married to King Solomon) in what is now Yemen.
The Yemen language scripts are written in the same alphabet, translated, and using ancient Hebrew; the shard describes the burial of the Ark of Moses at a site near Mareb -- in the ancient kingdom known as Saba (aka Sheba).
And in typical CYA mode, the scientists with the Hebrew University state that further study will be needed to understand this new information.
Well, this website provides a illustration of the different lettering used and translations from Hebrew to English as well. Almost everybody knows the general story from several movies over the past decades about King Solomon and Queen Sheba. Basically, Queen Sheba was invited to visit King Solomon, and they were married and had a son name Menelik.
The viewzone article talks about researchers Gary Vey and John McGovern had uncovered the palace of the Queen, in Mareb, Yemen. That palace bares inscriptions in the same alphabet that describe the relocation of the (in)famous Ark of the Covenant to the site Menelik following the destruction of Jerusalem.
Queen Sheba it seems instructed some followers that her son and the Ark were to be buried in a chamber until such time might transpire for that chamber to be re-opened. The buried son and Ark were covered with sand for an unknown length of time to avoid the folks who had attacked the Temple in Israel. Not content to rest there, they then travel down to Mareb. The texts state how Sheba initially had the buried chamber constructed in such a manner that it could be disassembled quickly to save her son (i.e they did not use any mortar).
Later, it describes how the chamber remained silent for along time, and how a worm crawled out of it - and thus Sheba had to decide whether or not to open it back up prematurely to save her son. Or have faith in his prophecy that the Ark would preserve him, no matter how long he remained buried.
Ultimately, the Queen of Sheba had faith, but constructed a better, more fortified chamber around the older one. With a large wall as a barrier against the possible rupture of the great Mareb Dam. By the way, that dam did break and flood the land several times. Eventually, the sand covered and hid the entire structure in sand. And as such, she(Sheba) had to move her kingdom to Ethiopia. The language changed over time to Himyaridic - all the better that the son and the Ark would remain in secret and unmolested. A 'copy' of the Ark - the "box of El" was built as a red herring and it remains in Ethiopia today.
For more information, please check out the original article on viewzone.com.
Ref. Viewzone.com (http://www.viewzone.com/proto-canaanite22.html). image from same website.