Monday, March 16, 2009

Its Global Cooling - NOT Warming Stupid!

Found this on Drudge Report and followed the link to Article entitled "UW-Milwaukee Study Could Realign Climate Change Theory." The sub-heading is even more important for the reader to understand: "Scientists Claim Earth is Undergoing Natural Climate Shift."

Scientists at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee think that their study of global climate change is going to upset the whole cliamte change world upside down. (However, will it stop the political movement claiming Global Warming is harming the planet? I doubt it. IT has become almost a religon now). The scientists at the university used a math application called synchronized chaos and then applied that to the weather and climate date for the past century.

The air and ocean systems are synchronizing with one another. This will begin a climate shift.

Dr. Anastasios Tsonis told the reporter, "In climate, when this happens, the climate state changes. You go from a cooling regime to a warming regime or a warming regime to a cooling regime. This way we were able to explain all the fluctuations in the global temperature trend in the past century. The research team has found the warming trend of the past 30 years has stopped and in fact global temperatures have leveled off since 2001." (I added the italics to that last sentence). The most recent climate change is thought to have occured about the year 2000.

Tsonis said he thinks the current trend of steady or even cooling earth tempeartures may last a couple of decades or until the next climate shift occurs.
Ref. Drudge Report>>Milwaukee Weather ( ).

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