This is one of those stories that just makes you kinda grin. Then shake your head in bemusement. And then for others, they get all disgusted with the very notice of sex for sell. But its making the rounds and what the hell, I decided to go ahead and post it on my blog as well. Any excuse to post sexy looking female aliens will not be passed up I have decided as a New Years resolution for 2012.
Seems like there is the brothel owner by the name of Dennis Hof who is age 65 and runs the Moonlite Bunny Ranch. He is friends with the infamous "Hollywood Madam" Heidi Fleiss who has been selected by Hof to design some of the costumes. Her "new" title is that of Chief Alien Design Queen.
The location for this Alien Cathouse is near the infamous Aera 51 which is 90 miles northwest of sin city.

And the type of clients Hof is hoping to attract to this new brothel? quote: The important details regarding the working women are still being hashed out, such as whether or not to paint the women green to resemble Orion Slave Girl characters from Star Trek.
However Hof tells CBS Las Vegas that for the clients he is reaching out “to everyone, all the Star Wars fans and Trekkies,” and cater to all flavors of geek fantasy. end quote.
Heck, he even wants to get Star Trek icon Captain James T. Kirk (aka William Shatner) to get onboard with the project.

1. Las Vegas.cbslocal. "Science Fiction-Themed Brothel Opening Soon" December 29, 2011. (http://lasvegas.cbslocal.com/2011/12/29/science-fiction-themed-brothel-opening-soon/).
2. Orion Female image. Diora Baird(http://www.filmschoolrejects.com/news/sexy-doira-baird-is-a-slave-girl-these-are-new-star-trek-images.php).
3. Orion slave girls jpg (http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/File:Orion_slave_girls.jpg).
4. ebaumsworld. "Sexy Women Of Star Trek". Marina Sirtis, Terry Farrell, Jolene Blalock.
5. Wired. "Half-Naked Female Jedis, Coming Right Up in Clone Wars" by Scott Thill. January 15, 2009. (http://www.wired.com/underwire/2009/01/half-naked-fema/). images from this article.