Doesn't matter what version of Star Trek you love. From TOS(i.e. The Original Series), through the movies and Next Generation era shows and back to the future with the prequel series Star Trek-Enterprise; there are certain elements that are common to all those shows.
The Tricorder was a plot device to help move the story on as a quick reference tools for Spock or Dr. McCoy. Now in the early years of the 21st century, we have our own communicators and Data PADDS (i.e. cell phones and computer tablets now). But we are still missing out on a fully functional Tricorder.
Here is where the X Prize Foundation and Qualcomm joined up to develope a new competition to enhance health care. The Tricorder X-Prize intends to extend the reach of health information and to provide more services to more people.
Quote: The collaboration between the X PRIZE Foundation and Qualcomm will bring together experts in technology usability, wireless sensors, cloud computing and mobile health to accelerate the convergence of these fields. The winning tool will enable consumers in any location to quickly and effectively assess health conditions, determine if they need professional help and answer the question, "What do I do next?" End Quote.
Quote: Eugene Wesley "Rod" Roddenberry, Jr., son of Star Trek creator, Gene Roddenberry, commented, "It is great to see two amazing organizations -- the X PRIZE Foundation and Qualcomm -- bring the technology of Star Trek to life and make the Tricorder a reality for people everywhere." End Quote.
For greater details, just copy and paste the link below.
1. Commercial Space Watch. "X-Prize and Qualcomm Announce $10 Million Tricorder Prize" press release. May 27, 2011.(http://www.comspacewatch.com/news/viewpr.html?pid=33698).
2. Star Trek (in all its forms). Tricorder reference.