I came across this little article and thought that I would share it here.
Disclaimer: I love Sarah Palin - but she is TOO damaged for a run at the White House in 2012 in my personal oponion. Of the dark horse candidates in the below poll, I really like Michele Bachmann and Herman Cain.
Here is the poll results.
Right Wing News polled more than 250 right-of-center bloggers on which candidate they'd support if the 2012 Republican primaries were today. The following 63 bloggers responded:
101 Dead Armadillos, Alexa Shrugged, All American Blogger, All That Is Necessary, Argghhhh!, Bad Example, Betsy's Page, Blackfive, Bookworm Room, Cara Ellison, Cassy Fiano, Conservative Compendium, Considerettes, Danny Carlton, Dispatches From Blogblivion, Ed Driscoll, Fingers Malloy, Flopping Aces, Freeman Hunt, GOPUSA Northeast, GayPatriot, Gina Cobb, Guardian Watchblog, Hoosier Access, House of Eratosthenes, IMAO, Infidels Are Cool, Jenn Q. Public, John Hawkins, Little Miss Attila, Mean Ol Meany, Midnight Blue, Moonbattery, Mount Virtus, Musing Minds, Newsreal, Nice Deb, No Oil For Pacifists, No Runny Eggs, Patriot Room, Patterico's Pontifications, Pirates Man Your Women!, Pundit Boy, Pursuing Holiness, Rachel Lucas, Right View from the Left Coast, Rightosphere, Russ. Just Russ, Snark and Boobs, Solomonia, SondraK, The Anchoress, The Campaign Spot, The New Ledger, The Other McCain, The TrogloPundit, The Underground Conservative, The Virtuous Republic, This Ain't Hell, Weapons of Mass Discussion, Wintery knight, Wyblog, YidwithLid
Here are the results.
Which of the following candidates would you like to see as the Republican Party's presidential nominee in 2012?
13) Donald Trump: 0% (0 votes)
13) Rick Santorum: 0% (0 votes)
13) Rick Perry: 0% (0 votes)
13) Ron Paul: 0% (0 votes)
13) Gary Johnson: 0% (0 votes)
13) Jon Huntsman: 0% (0 votes)
13) Rudy Giuliani: 0% (0 votes)
13) Newt Gingrich: 0% (0 votes)
9) John Thune: 1.6% (1 vote)
9) Mitt Romney: 1.6% (1 vote)
9) Mike Huckabee: 1.6% (1 vote)
9) Haley Barbour: 1.6% (1 vote)
7) Jeb Bush: 3.2% (2 votes)
7) Michele Bachmann: 3.2% (2 votes)
5) John Bolton: 6.3% (4 votes)
5) Tim Pawlenty: 6.3% (4 votes)
3) Herman Cain: 11.1% (7 votes)
3) Mitch Daniels: 11.1% (7 votes)
2) Sarah Palin: 15.9% (10 votes)
1) Chris Christie: 36.5% (23 votes)
Which of the following candidates is your SECOND CHOICE for the Republican Party's presidential nominee in 2012?
16) Ron Paul: 0% (0 votes)
16) Gary Johnson: 0% (0 votes)
16) Jon Huntsman: 0% (0 votes)
16) Mike Huckabee: 0% (0 votes)
16) Rudy Giuliani: 0% (0 votes)
14) Donald Trump: 1.6% (1 vote)
14) Rick Santorum: 1.6% (1 vote)
11) John Thune: 3.2% (2 votes)
11) Newt Gingrich: 3.2% (2 votes)
11) Mitt Romney: 3.2% (2 votes)
8) John Bolton: 4.8% (3 votes)
8) Jeb Bush: 4.8% (3 votes)
8) Michele Bachmann: 4.8% (3 votes)
7) Haley Barbour: 7.9% (5 votes)
5) Rick Perry: 9.5% (6 votes)
5) Herman Cain: 9.5% (6 votes)
2) Tim Pawlenty: 11.1% (7 votes)
2) Mitch Daniels: 11.1% (7 votes)
2) Chris Christie: 11.1% (7 votes)
1) Sarah Palin: 12.7% (8 votes)
Here are the numbers for each candidate if you add up how many first AND second choice votes they received.
17) Ron Paul: (0 votes)
17) Gary Johnson: (0 votes)
17) Jon Huntsman: (0 votes)
17) Rudy Giuliani: (0 votes)
14) Donald Trump: (1 vote)
14) Rick Santorum: (1 vote)
14) Mike Huckabee: (1 vote)
13) Newt Gingrich: (2 votes)
11) John Thune (3 votes)
11) Mitt Romney: (3 votes)
10) Jeb Bush (5 votes)
9) Michele Bachmann: (5 votes)
7) Rick Perry: (6 votes)
7) Haley Barbour: (6 votes)
6) John Bolton: (7 votes)
5) Tim Pawlenty: (11 votes)
4) Herman Cain: (13 votes)
3) Mitch Daniels: (14 votes)
2) Sarah Palin: (18 votes)
1) Chris Christie: (30 votes)
Which of the following candidates would you like to see as the Republican Party's presidential nominee in 2012? (No Palin, No Christie)
16) Gary Johnson: (0 votes)
16) Jon Huntsman: (0 votes)
16) Rudy Giuliani: (0 votes)
11) Newt Gingrich: 1.6% (1 vote)
11) Mike Huckabee: 1.6% (1 vote)
11) Donald Trump: 1.6% (1 vote)
11) Ron Paul: 1.6% (1 votes)
11) Rick Santorum: 1.6% (1 votes)
10) John Thune: 3.2% (2 votes)
8) Jeb Bush: 4.8% (3 votes)
8) Haley Barbour: 4.8% (3 votes)
7) Mitt Romney: 6.5% (4 votes)
6) Tim Pawlenty: 8.1% (5 votes)
5) Rick Perry: 9.7% (6 votes)
3) John Bolton: 11.3% (7 votes)
3) Michele Bachmann: 11.3% (7 votes)
2) Herman Cain: 14.5% (9 votes)
1) Mitch Daniels: 17.7% (11 votes)
Which of the following dark horse candidates do you find the most appealing as a potential GOP POTUS Candidate?
9) Ron Paul: 1.6% (1 votes)
8) Gary Johnson: 1.6% (1 votes)
6) Rick Santorum: 3.2% (2 votes)
6) Donald Trump: 3.2% (2 votes)
5) Jon Huntsman 4.8% (3 votes)
4) Rudy Giuliani: 9.5% (6 votes)
3) Michele Bachmann: 15.9% (10 votes)
2) John Bolton: 19% (12 votes)
1) Herman Cain: 41.3% (26 votes)
Link below is from the actual website the poll was posted at.
1. Right Wing News. "Polling Conservative Bloggers On The GOP’s 2012 Presidential Field" by John HawkinsFebruary 18, 2011.